The Dos and Don’ts of FCHS Parking


Everyone parks. We all do it. And hey, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the greatest at it. But some student drivers are quite clueless when it comes to parking lot etiquette. And yes people, it does exist.

1.      Where to Park…or Not


While motoring in your “parent’s third car,” take a second to consider your class rank. An easy way to do this is by looking up at your parking pass: Senior passes are white, underclassmen passes are blue. Then note that the closer spots to the building are reserved for senior as a privilege. The senior don’t want any trouble, so park where your class is assigned. As the saying goes, your time will come, young grasshoppers.

2.      Tone Down the Noise Pollution


Okay, you like country music and you like it loud. We get it, but we’ve already had our morning coffee and would appreciate if you wouldn’t blast your music as loud as it can go. By keeping music at a reasonable volume, you’ll respect others’ ear drums-and temples. Also remember that car horns are made for emergencies, impending crashes, and hazards; NOT to honk at the pretty brunette that just walked by or so you can give a long “BEEEEEEEEEP” to acknowledge your best friend. Use your horn to promote safe driving, and you won’t be known as “that guy”.


3.      Read the Signs, Gas Guzzler


Around the parking lot, there are multiple spots reserved to promote fuel efficiency. There are also several carpooling spots reserved for student drivers to save gas and cut down on emissions. I’m not promoting clown car status, but those spots are NOT on the market for solo drivers. Nothing is more disheartening to the drivers of a Smart Car or Prius then to see a 15 mpg truck sitting in the Low Emissions spot.


4.      Lose the Loitering


After the final bell rings, many students like to linger in the parking lot to participate in activities ranging from playing Frisbee, to talking selfies, to the occasional “vehicle parkour” (the dangerous act of hanging out of moving cars). Avoid the chaos and just head home. Your mother is probably waiting with milk and cookies (okay, maybe not). The school will still be there for you tomorrow, I promise.