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The Student News Site of Fluvanna County High School

The Fluco Beat

  • February 3Culinary is selling heart shaped cakes during lunches, between Feb 3-7 to be delivered on Feb 14
  • February 3Culinary is selling tea and lemonade for $1, and cake in a cup for $3 between all classes except for before lunch.
  • January 30Spirit Days Week of Feb. 3-7 - 2/3 PJ's; 2/4 Fashion Disaster; 2/5 Green or Pink; 2/6 Halloween Attire; 2/7 Fluco Friday
  • January 17FCHS is offering the ASVAB test on Feb. 19. To register, fill out the form in your email or email [email protected].
The Student News Site of Fluvanna County High School

The Fluco Beat

The Student News Site of Fluvanna County High School

The Fluco Beat


The Fluco Beat is the official news site produced by students of Fluvanna County High School, 1918 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963, (434-589-3666, ext. 3037)The purpose of Fluco Beat is to accurately inform Fluvanna County High School students and staff, as well as the county of Fluvanna, about the current events and inner workings of Fluvanna County School and the surrounding community.

The Fluco Beat recognizes the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of the press, and abides by the Tinker standard. Opinions published in the Fluco Beat do not necessarily reflect the views of the entire staff, advisor, administration, or entire student body.

FCHS Journalism Editorial Policy

The following editorial policy covers editorial guidelines for the following FCHS publications:

  • The FCHS Fluco Beat student website (
  • The FCHS Fluvannual Yearbook
  • The FCHS “Undefined” Literary magazine

All content must be deemed appropriate according to the editorial guidelines below in order to be published. Examples of inappropriate content include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Any references, direct, indirect, or implied, to sex or sexual orientation
  • Any foul language or such references, direct, indirect, or implied
  • Any gang or drug references, direct, indirect, or implied
  • Any message which is deemed by the Journalism Adviser to be designed to intentionally bully another student or groups of students
  • Anything the Journalism Adviser and/or FCHS Administration deems offensive or intentionally divisive

The FCHS Editorial staff reserves the right to refuse to publish any photo, article, caption, or form of communication which violates this policy.


Every post on The Fluco Beat website will:

1. Be accurate

  • The Fluco Beat will never post rumors without facts to prove or disprove them.
  • Writers will directly quote a source and if removing a part they will use ellipses (…) in place.
  • The Fluco Beat  will never report any inaccurate facts or false information about a person.
  • Always make sure that every image posted under the The Fluco Beat  name is high quality.

2. Be considerate of the law

  • The Fluco Beat will always obtain photos and videos by legal means.
  • The Fluco Beat will always endeavor to give full credit to the creator of an image or video.
  • The Fluco Beat will take down any posts that violate copyright laws.
  • The Fluco Beat will endeavor to never slander or libel others.

3. Be considerate of other’s opinions

  • The Fluco Beat will endeavor to never post anything biased or offensive in nature.
  • Writers will never print a quote without asking permission from the quoted person.
  • The Fluco Beat will only take down posts if the person requesting it has an appropriate and thoughtful rationale as determined by the editorial staff.

4. Be thoughtful

  • Writers will be “careful and skeptical” when choosing quotes and details to support facts. (NPR Ethics Handbook)
  • The Fluco Beat staff members will endeavor to write newsworthy and relevant stories to inform the public of important events in a timely manner.
  • The Fluco Beat will only write posts that have purpose and meaning to Fluvanna County citizens.
  • The Fluco Beat recognizes that every post can and may be seen by people with different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders and religions worldwide.

5. Be respectful

  • The Fluco Beat will never post images, stories, or social media posts that are inappropriate in content.
  • The Fluco Beat will endeavor to never be biased towards/against specific backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, or religions.