The Fluvanna County High School Theater is putting on William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night.” Come and see a tale of love, mischief, and mistaken identity. The play will be held in the Black Box Theater from April 16-18 at 7 PM and April 19 at 2 PM and 7 PM. Madison Gifford will be playing the lead role of Viola, a young shipwreck victim who disguises herself as a man.
The rest of the cast includes:
Duke Orsino – Tomas Cruz-Vega
Valentine – Nicholas Culbertson
Sea Captain – Amara McNamara
Sebastian – Nicholas Culbertson
Antonio – Ava Gray
Olivia – Angela Cumiskey
Sir Toby Belch – Rachael Broxon
Malvolio – Madison Cavanaugh
Fabian – Lilian Bowman
Feste – Quinn Hartman
Maria – Madelyn Jamison
Sir Andrew Aguecheek – Gavin Stidfole
Priest – Randolph Crawford
First Officer – Randolph Crawford
Second Officer – Lauren Wynne
Musicians – Zoe Luniewski and Ruby Godlewski
Information and ticket prices are available online at for $14 for adults and $10 for students. You can save $4 by purchasing tickets in advance online.