
The color red is the color of humanity. Red is the color of roses on a spring day. It’s the sweet sensation of love at first sight. It’s blush on your loved one’s cheeks as you kiss them goodnight. It’s your heart pumping and beating as he spins you around. It’s the color of her lips as she whispers in your ear. It’s the color of your fist unwinding after a big fight. It’s the color of rum after a long day. Taking down glass after glass, it’s the color that fills your vision. It’s the color of your breath as you scream in anger. It’s the blindness of anger and jealousy when you’ve been betrayed. It’s the rage that clouds your mind when she leaves. It’s the veins popping in your eyes after you’ve been crying. It’s the power rushing through your veins. It’s the force that smashes the mirror and the blood that runs across your skin. It’s the color of your hands, cut to pieces, becoming scars. It’s the color of love and longing.