Fluvanna Names New Superintendent

Photo Courtesy to Brenda Gilliam

At a meeting on April 24, the Fluvanna County School Board chose Chuck Winkler for the position of superintendent. Winkler, who has held the position of Interim Superintendent since the resignation of Gina Keller in November, will hold the new position until June of 2021. The board was given 24 applications and held five interviews before choosing Winkler for this position.

Winkler has been with Fluvanna County schools since August of 2011 in the role of Assistant Superintendent. Before Winkler’s time at Fluvanna, he taught grades 4-6 at Lightfoot Elementary School in Orange, Virginia, for four years. He also has experience as an administrator, including Assistant Principal, Principal, Director of Elementary Instruction and Federal Programs, and Executive Director for Orange County Schools.

“Mr. Winkler’s impressive experience on all levels of the academic community, his keen knowledge of the current issues in education and the resources to deal with them, and his passion for working with children all made him a highly-desirable candidate. It was his deep understanding of Fluvanna County and what it means to be a Fluco that made it clear he was the best person to lead our division as our next Superintendent. The School Board looks forward to working with him as he implements his ambitious transition plan for our school division,” said Carol Tracy Carr, Fluvanna’s School Board Chair.

Winkler graduated from Fairmont State College in West Virginia, getting his Bachelor Arts degree in both middle and elementary school education. Later, he received his Master of Education degree at University of Virginia in administration and supervision.

“I am truly honored to be selected to serve Fluvanna as the superintendent. I look forward to working with such a wonderful, dedicated staff as we continue our journey to assure all of our children succeed. I am very appreciative of the tremendous amount of support that I have received from the faculty, community and School Board,” said Winkler.

Winkler has been married for 28 years to Marlene Winkler, who is a middle school teacher. Winkler also has two children: Tres, who has graduated from Bridgewater College, and Seth, who is a junior in the engineering program at Virginia Commonwealth University.