Picture Day is coming to Fluvanna County High School during 2nd block on Aug. 24 and 25. The make-up day is Sept. 28. Photos are being taken for yearbook and ID photos and are required. Here are the facts:
- ALL staff members and students–including seniors– are required to take a photo for mandatory ID badges and yearbook/PowerSchool photos when they come down with their 2nd block class in the Auxiliary gym on Thursday or Friday, Aug. 24 and 25.
- JostensPix does not do formal tux or drape photos for seniors. They do a one shot/one pose photo for everyone. Seniors who want a tux or drape shot can use an outside photographer (like Ali Johnson or Simplee Photography) and have been emailed that information. But they still need to take a photo because the Jostens photo is used to make them an ID badge.
- Staff members can take their photo either morning between 7:45 and the start of school or during first block planning.
- Teachers will give students photo cards ahead of time which are required in order to take a photo. Students who did not receive photo cards from their 2nd block teacher (either because they enrolled at FCHS after Aug. 3, or made a change to their class schedule after Aug. 3) will need to go to the check in table in the Auxiliary Gym to get a photo card made for them.
- If a student misses taking a photo with their class on Aug. 24, their teacher should send them with a pass on Aug. 25 between 9:30 and 11:30. If they miss both days, they can come to make up day, Sept. 28.
- Students who do not remain with their class in the photo sessions or take more than 5-10 minutes to return to class may receive a skip slip.
- Students may NOT wear head coverings, wigs, bare shoulders, sunglasses, etc.
- Parents will receive an email with ordering instructions a few days prior to Aug. 24. No money should be sent to school as all orders will be online.
- Students will receive their ID badges at school by the third week in September. Purchased photo packages will be mailed directly to the student’s home.
- For more information, email [email protected].