The Origami Incident

Photo Courtesy of Jocelyn Beaulieu

The sun had just set behind the distant hills, casting an orange-pink hue across the sky as two police officers, Smith and Brown, drove into a quiet neighborhood. The streets were lined with tall trees, their leaves rustled softly in the evening breeze. The officers’ car was a sleek black and white vehicle, its headlights pierced the gathering darkness. As they turned onto a residential street, the officers slowed their car, and their eyes scanned the area for any signs of trouble. The houses on either side of the street were dark and silent, their windows shuttered against the encroaching night. A lone street lamp flickered overhead, casting a pool of dim light on the pavement below.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure darted out from behind a parked car, causing the officers to slam on the brakes. They both reached for their holsters as their hearts pounded heavily in their chests. But as the figure drew closer, they realized it was just a neighborhood cat, skittering across the street and disappearing into the darkness. Breathing a sigh of relief, the officers continued down the street, their headlights illuminating the way. They passed by neatly-manicured lawns and white picket fences, each house a mirror image of the next. The only sound was the soft hum of their engine and the occasional chirping of crickets. As they neared the end of the street, a small group of kids appeared, playing basketball in the middle of the road. The officers slowed to a crawl, watching as the kids scrambled out of the way. One of the kids waved excitedly at the officers, who nodded in response before continuing on their way.

Finally, the officers reached their destination, which was a small house tucked away at the end of the street. They parked their car and stepped out, the darkness closing in around them. They exchanged a quick nod before heading towards the house, their flashlights casting a narrow beam of light on the path ahead. As the officers approached the porch, they noticed something odd: it was littered with scraps of paper covered in unintelligible writing, and strange origami dolls were scattered everywhere. The dolls were made from brightly colored paper and had intricate folds that suggested a skilled hand had made them.

Officer Smith raised an eyebrow. “Well, what is all this?” he muttered.

In response, Officer Brown shook his head. “I have no idea. Looks like some kind of art project, maybe?”

They cautiously made their way up the steps, stepping over the scattered dolls and trying not to disturb the strange paper writing. The porch creaked beneath their weight as they approached the door. One of the dolls had been placed on the doorknob, its arms spread wide as if to greet them. The officers exchanged a look before Brown reached out and plucked the doll off the doorknob. As he did so, a small slip of paper fell out from within the folds of the doll’s body. He picked it up and squinted at the tiny writing, trying to make out the words in the dim light.

“What does it say?” Smith asked, leaning in to get a better look.

“I can’t tell,” Brown said, shaking his head. “It’s too small and the handwriting is terrible. Something about a party, maybe?”

He pocketed the slip of paper and reached for the door handle. The metal was cold to the touch, and he hesitated for a moment before turning it and pushing the door open. The officers stepped inside, their flashlights sweeping over the dimly-lit interior. As the officers stepped into the living room, they were met with a chilling sight. The room was empty and desolate, as if there was no one home. However, in the center of the room was a large, intricate, ritualistic circle made out of the same brightly colored paper as the origami dolls. The circle was surrounded by dozens of dolls, each with their own unique design, and strange writing was painted on the walls. The officers’ flashlights flickered across the eerie scene before settling on a pile of human bones in the center of the circle. Their stomachs churned at the sight, and they exchanged a horrified look.

“What the hell?” Smith muttered.

Brown stepped forward, shining his flashlight on the bones. “Looks like these have been here for a while. We need to call for backup.”

As he spoke, his flashlight illuminated a small slip of paper tucked beneath one of the bones. He reached down and picked it up, holding it up to the light.

“It’s the same writing as on the walls,” he said, his voice shaking slightly. “What do you think it means?”

Smith shook his head. “I have no idea. But we need to get out of here and call for backup. This is way above our paygrade.”

They slowly backed out of the room, keeping their flashlights trained on the ritualistic site. As they reached the door, they heard a faint rustling sound from somewhere within the house. They froze, their hearts pounding in their chests.

“Did you hear that?” Brown whispered inquisitively, flicking his flashlight towards the hallway leading out of the living room.

The other officer nodded grimly. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here.”

The rustling sound grew louder and more intense, and the officers could feel their skin prickling with fear. Suddenly, something started to move in the darkness, something that seemed inhuman and uncanny.

“You seeing this?” Brown hissed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Its long, spindly limbs were twisted and gnarled, with razor-sharp claws that glinted ominously in the dim light. Its skin was a sickly pale color, stretched taut over its skeletal frame. But what truly set it apart from any human or animal was its complete lack of a mouth. Its face was a blank, featureless mask, devoid of any expression or emotion. And yet, the officers could feel a malevolent energy emanating from it, as if it was somehow aware of their presence. The creature moved with a jerky, erratic gait, as if it was not entirely in control of its own body. It crawled on all fours, its limbs twisted and contorted in unnatural angles, and yet it seemed like it would be over eight feet tall if it stood upright. The officers turned and ran towards the exit, their hearts pounding in their chests, and as they did, they could feel the creature’s gaze burning into their backs, and they knew that they had stumbled upon something truly evil, something otherworldly. But unfortunately, while they were running, Smith tripped on a stray origami doll, and before he could get back up, the creature had grabbed him by the ankle and was dragging him back into the house.

“Help me!” he screamed, his voice echoing through the empty halls.

The other officer turned and fired his pistol at the creature.


But it seemed to have no effect. With a surge of terror, he turned and sprinted towards the door, his feet pounding against the creaky floorboards. He burst out into the fresh air, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Without a second thought, he scrambled into the driver’s seat of their patrol car, fumbling for the keys. As he turned the ignition over, he could hear the creature howling in rage somewhere in the darkness around him. He slammed the car into reverse and tore out of the driveway, the tires screeching on the pavement. As he drove away, he could feel a sense of guilt and horror gnawing at his stomach. He had left his partner behind, and he didn’t know if he would ever see him again. All he knew was that he had to get as far away from that house as possible, before it was too late.