A Warm Victory in a Cold Season

Courtesy to FCHS Winter Guard

Swish, swish.  The final flag spins as the music stops.  The crowd goes wild.  The Flucos have won.

This image describes what has been the most successful season for the Fluvanna HS Avidity Visual Winter Guard in the past eight years.  They have received the highest score (70.32) since 2008 and they are heading into championships in line to win a medal.

“This season is turning out to be the best season I have ever directed.  I am extremely proud of these girls and of all the hard work and dedication they have put into this season so far!  I have never felt this confident heading into championships as I have this season,” said Winter Guard Director Ashley Wilson.

If anyone does not know what Winter Guard is, think about home football games.  During halftime at the games, the Color Guard performs with the marching band.  Winter Guard is basically the same thing except in a gym without the band.

The Winter Guard team has been practicing since October of 2015.  They have placed either first, second, or third in all of their competitions so far this season.  On March 5, they traveled to Powhatan High School to compete against nine other Winter Guards in their class, Scholastic Regional A 2.  The Fluvanna HS Avidity Visual Winter Guard proudly walked away that evening with first place, and they are electrified to compete at Regionals.  “I’m really excited about it because we’ve been breaking all sorts of records that the past guards have set.  I think we can get a really high score at championships, maybe in the top five,” said Sophomore Rachel Sherman.

Wilson and Sherman are not the only ones who are thrilled about how the Winter Guard season is going so far.  The students have been working hard all season and are hoping to do great at championships– and hoping not to drop anything when competing against around 30 other teams.  “It’s a six-foot pole with a bedsheet on the end; you better catch something!” Said Sophomore Gabriella Barber.

If you would like information about how to join for next year’s Color Guard season, see Wilson in Room 3116 or send her an email at [email protected].