Every Wednesday during the WIN study block, students can sign up for one of 23 different clubs offered at FCHS. According to Instructional Technology Resource Teacher Kristen Davis, who oversees the club sign ups, the most popular clubs by attendance are the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Coffee Break, and Beta. Here are details on those clubs.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a Bible study for athletes and students that is designed to encourage students and athletes to live out their faith on and off the field. FCA began with just 15 athletes but has grown this school year to about 110 students.
“FCA is important because it helps students grow in their faith and connect with Jesus, especially in a spiritually challenging environment such as school,” said junior Allison Rhoades.
Sponsored by teachers Devin Watkins, Marci Guthrie, Amy McCauley, Rachael Newsom, Gretchen Feury, Justin Boucher, Dave Johnson, and Rose Brogan, the club meets weekly in the Auditorium. Members meet to study the Bible, pray, and talk about Jesus.
FCA students also participate in extracurricular activities, such as Fields of Faith. Students and parents are invited to sit on the football field after a game and enjoy worship and a sermon.
Coffee Break Club
FCHS’ second largest club, the Coffee Break club provides students with a place to relax, drink coffee, eat snacks, and just get a break from school. It meets in the cafeteria during 1st and 4th block WIN. The sponsors of the Coffee Break club are Kristen Davis and teacher Abigail Fox.
“I started it to provide a club space for students who didn’t fit into any of the other options and just wanted a few minutes to have a break with their friends,” said Davis. Students are invited to grab some coffee and hang out, talk with friends, or do arts and crafts.
Beta Club
Designed for juniors and seniors, Beta is a national club for juniors and seniors who have at least a 3.0 GPA. Members pay a fee which gives them the distinction of being able to wear the distinctive gold satin “Beta” sash at graduation.
Beta Club members are encouraged to volunteer whenever they can in the community. ”Beta gives them an opportunity to give back,” said English teacher Barbara Marshall, who sponsors the club along with teacher Tabitha Oliver.
This year, members have volunteered at Carysbrook Elementary School and are currently participating in a voter registration drive. Last year, they did repair work at Caring for Creatures, which provides dogs and cats a temporary home until they can be adopted. Marshall noted that club members are also hoping to participate in Start and Spark, an organization that prepares and delivers firewood to families in need.
Beta Club meets in the cafeteria during 4th block WIN.