Recently, FCHS seniors have expressed anger with underclassmen parking in the senior parking lot. FCHS offers seniors a variety of privileges for their final year, with use of the front part of the back parking lot being one of these advantages. The Class of 2025 can also choose to paint their parking spots, making them unique.
When students reach their senior year and finally take advantage of these privileges, they can feel accomplished and as if their success and perseverance throughout their high school career has been acknowledged. Any loss of those privileges can seem like an affront to seniors, and reinforce the view that younger students should have to pay their dues to have the same privileges when it’s their turn.
Juniors, however, may feel eager to have the luxuries that seniors do, tempting some juniors to use them before they are actually of age. For them, parking at the front of the log may make sense.
“Underclassmen tend to park in the front and leave early so we don’t have to deal with the after-school traffic,” says junior Carson Johnston.
“I have gotten permission from administrators and safety officers to park in the spot that I do every day, so I am just confused why this group of seniors is so angry by it,” said junior Jasmine Alvarenga.
In contrast, senior Nea Arndt argues, “It is frustrating to me that teachers are allowing them to park there, because the current seniors had to wait four years to be able to park there. So everyone else should also have to wait.”
In February, a group of seniors took their argument to administrators in hopes of receiving support for their interpretation of the Student Handbook rules, but were told that nothing could be done about it. Subsequently, some seniors decided to take matters into their own hands, with reports of multiple seniors purposely parking to take up two spots to prove a point. Their efforts were unsuccessful, as administrators just made them move their cars.
When the Fluco Beat editorial staff notified the front office on March 10 about the incorrect wording on the form, a front office staff member said that the form will be corrected.