Does having a career in the military spark your interest? If the answer is yes, consider taking the ASVAB test and meeting with a representative from the Armed Forces.
“The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test is a basic skills test that is used by students who are trying to figure out their career choices. It is used by the military to place military personnel into appropriate jobs in the military,” said FCHS Testing Coordinator Angie Blevins.
The test was originally scheduled for Feb. 19, but has been rescheduled for April 14 at 9 a.m. in room 3110. The free test takes 2-3 hours and is available to all students, regardless of their interest in the military. According to Blevins, it is also a way to find out what careers may work best for you.
To register for this test, students can fill out this form or by contacting [email protected]
You can also learn more about military opportunities by meeting with representatives of the different branches of the armed forces on these days during lunches in the Cafeteria:
Mondays – Marines
United States Marine Corps
(434) 242-3957
[email protected]
Tuesdays – Army National Guard
Kyle Ramsey SSG, VAARING
RRNCO Area 6 – Charlottesville
(434) 294-8553
US Coast Guard
Service United States Coast Guard
MSTC Daniel K. Lilly
(804) 771-8635
[email protected]
Wednesdays – Navy
Brandon Tuzzo
(434) 989-1293
[email protected]
Zeneta Browne
(434) 948-0732
[email protected]
Thursdays – Army
Staff Sergeant Matthew Moorehouse
(434) 326-6559/ Cell : (434) 979-7161
[email protected]