Three Steps for Minimizing Senior Stress

Senior Autumn Chambers looks for information on colleges in the College & Career Office.

Being a senior can be a pretty stressful time for any student, especially if you plan on attending college. There’s so much to do: SAT preparation, applications, scholarships, grades to maintain, and of course, touring colleges. So if you find yourself getting lost in all the tests and deadlines this fall, here are a few key deadlines and tips to help get you through your college search.


SAT/ACT Preparation

One of the things that the seniors should be focusing on right now is taking the SAT and/or ACT. Some colleges and universities prefer one over the other, and some have minimum scores they’ll accept, so be sure to do your research early.

Then, there’s test prep. If you haven’t gotten the score you want, you’ll probably want to take the test more than once. Keep in mind, it costs $48-$50 each time you take them (more if you want to add the SAT writing portion). So some Flucos were pleased to learn that FCHS will be having a free SAT for all seniors on Oct. 16. You may also qualify for a fee waiver based on your income. To find out if you qualify, check out this link.

These are the dates for the rest of 2019:

SAT & Subject Tests

Nov. 2 – Registration deadline: Oct. 3; late registration deadline: Oct. 22

Dec. 7 – Registration deadline: Nov. 8; late registration deadline: Nov. 26


Dec. 14 – Registration deadline: Nov. 8; late registration deadline: Nov. 22


Fill Out the FAFSA

Another important date for seniors looking to attend college is Oct. 1, as this is when FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) applications become available. The FAFSA will be open until March 1 and it is recommended that all students looking to attend college fill out this form as soon as possible to get the best chance at receiving financial aid. College Adviser Haden Parrish will be holding a FAFSA night during the fourth week in October where he will be going over the application and helping students, as well as parents, fill out this often-confusing form. It is recommended that everyone going to college, whether two-year or four-year, fill out the FAFSA as it opens you up to possible financial aid and scholarships. 


Narrow Down Your College Choices

If you know you would like to attend college, but aren’t quite sure where they want to go, there are a number of different opportunities such as college fairs and college representative visits that you can attend that can help you figure out which schools may be the best fit for you. Stop by the College and Career Office on the third floor in the 3200 hallway to sign up for upcoming visits. Or, you can make an appointment to see your guidance counselor or Mr. Parrish. They will both be willing to help you find the right college for you. 

Parrish says that when looking for a college, you should always have at least three in mind. One is a “reach school,” or the school you really want to get into, but know it will be a stretch. The second school should be a “target school,” the school you would like to get into and for which you feel you have a good chance of being admitted. The final school you should apply to is a “fallback school,” a school you feel confident you’ll get into even if turned down by your target school. 

During the course of the school year, Parrish will be meeting with all seniors to help them get an idea of where they want to go and to get a better idea of how he may be able to help you with anything. 

If you have any questions regarding college deadlines, the SAT/ACT, or college applications, you can set up a meeting with Mr. Parrish in the career center or with one of your guidance counselors in the guidance office.