Sarina and Brooklyn were best friends and had just graduated from high school. They got invited to the graduation party their classmates’ graduation party. Brook wasn’t feeling it and wanted to stay home, but Rina was ready and was too excited to stay. Rina grabbed Brook and said, “We have to go to this party! It is the end of our high school years.”
“Fine,” Brook sighed. They got dressed, throwing on the shortest dresses they could wear and the highest heels they could find.
Once they got there they met up with their friends. They had fun drinking, playing games and just having the time of their lives. Rina slowed down on the drinking because she knew she would have to be the one to drive. Brooklyn was having a blast for someone who wanted to stay home. Rina sat down trying to sober up so she would be okay to drive. Brook started to have some problems with her stomach. She tried going to the bathroom, but when she got there it was a long line, so she went to find Rina and tell her what was going on.
“Rina! I need a bathroom. We need to go now!” Brook yelled.
Rina got up and didn’t ask any questions. They got in the car and started driving, then pulled up to a grocery store. Brook quickly got out and ran to the restroom. Rina walked around the store till Brook was done. She noticed there was an old van sitting outside with its high beams on. A creepy old man was sitting there watching her every move. Brooklyn finished up and the girls left.
On their way home, Rina told Brook about the creepy man at the grocery store. She got an unpleasant feeling from him. Brook thought she was lying and laughed it off, but Rina said, “I’m being serious and you’re laughing!”
“Yeah, okay Rina,” said Brook. It went silent in the car. Then Rina looked in the rearview mirror and there he was, the old creepy man in the van, right behind them.
Rina shouted, “Brooklyn, he’s right behind us!”
“Who?!” shouted Brook.
“The man from the grocery store!” Rina stomped on the gas pedal trying to get away but the man did the same and quickly caught up. They both started to panic. Brook tried calling 911, but she wasn’t picking up any service. They looked back to see if they had lost him. They didn’t see him anymore and felt relieved. Just when they thought they had lost the man, he came up beside them and crashed into them, running them off the road.
“Where are we?” said Rina as they awoke to bright lights. Rina and Brook were strapped to chairs in what looked like an old, abandoned basement. Brook was slumped over and had blood dripping down her face. Rina was freaked out; she whispered to Brook so she wouldn’t alarm the old man. “Brooklyn! Brook!”
Brook’s eyes opened. “Where are we?” she asked.
“I think the old man brought us here. All I remember was us crashing.”
“I’m scared,” said Brook.
BOOM! Brook and Rina jumped, the loud noise came from down the hallway. It sounded like a heavy door being slammed. They could hear footsteps coming toward them, getting closer and closer. The footsteps stopped and a tall shaggy-looking figure stepped out from the darkness. It was the old man from the grocery store. He was dressed in baggy clothes with holes all in them. Looking at him, Brook said, “What do you want from us?”
No response.
Rina and Brook looked at each other in confusion. Rina asked again, but louder this time, “What do you want from us?” Still no response. Brook passed out and Rina started screaming. “Brooklyn!”
But Brook wasn’t waking up. Rina looked at the old man and yelled at him to do something. The old man stood there, looking confused. “Are you deaf?!” Rina shouted. The man started walking toward Brook, then grabbed her by the hair, took a good look at her face, and left, ”You’re just going to leave like this!?” said Rina. The door slammed behind him.
Rina tried to wake Brook up, but she wouldn’t get up. Rina began scanning the room trying to find something to cut her loose. There was glass scattered everywhere on the floor. Rina used her foot to slide the piece of glass toward her. She struggled to bend down and pick it up, but she managed to do it. Rina started cutting at the rope as fast as possible; she freed herself and then went over to Brooklyn to cut her rope off. Rina got Brooks’ rope off, but Brook was still passed out. Rina pulled Brooks’ hair back and saw she had a big gash in her head. Rina ripped a strip of her shirt and tied it around Brooks’ head.
Rina laid Brook down and started looking around for a way out. Rina spotted a window and went to check it out, but it was locked. Just as she started towards the door the old man had come through. “It’s open,” she whispered. She went back to get Brook, but quickly realized that Brook’s body was cold and lifeless. Rina couldn’t believe it: She had to get out of there before she was next. She kissed Brook goodbye on the forehead and ran as quickly as she could through the door.
Just as she stepped outside, she saw the old man at the door, two brown grocery bags in his hands. He dropped them in shock. Rina ran and never looked back.