Created by Venus
In the dazzling sea
Once a protector of life
Now a remainder of death
The grace of beauty still present
Gleaming in the light
Whispering the peace of the ocean
Created by Venus, a beauty divine
For Neptune’s world
Dainty forces of invincibility
Once shields of souls
Turned into treasures of memoir
Wonders sublime
Washed away
Carried through Neptune
To be picked up by you
In the crystallized bed of the earth
Spotted through the reflection of sun
Only in sight by chance
Empty graves glimmering
Perceived as shiny antiques
Peeking through the rough
Once a present for the sea
An enchanting realm of serenity and mystery
Now decorations of memory
Wonders to be cherished for all of time
Venus’ Creations
Ruby Frazier, Creative Writing Student
January 26, 2024
Shells on a beach. Image created by Fluco Journalism using Microsoft Bing Image Creator.