Graphic made on Canva
Photo Courtesy of Alek Wheaton Every morning, students walk into Journalism and are greeted with a warm welcome from Mrs. Pellicane. They get to work on the yearbook, Fluco Beat articles, and photography. “Journalism really helped my creativity and writing skills flow, and I felt at home,” shares junior Vanessa Vandevender.
Photo Courtesy of Alek Wheaton Students work on all different kinds of writing topics, from sports, to movies, to world news. Diversity helps create fun and engaging works of writing. “It’s fun looking at everyone’s perspectives through their individual writing styles,” says senior Tomas CruzVega.
Photo Courtesy of Alek Wheaton Students can travel the school to take shots for their assignments. Photography provides fascinating and absorbing visuals to go alongside their writing. “Taking pictures is the best part of Journalism,” remarks freshman Gregory Ball.
Photo Courtesy of Alek Wheaton Students can enter classrooms to take pictures and quotes from other students. Their input adds genuinity and personality to works of writing and photos. “I think it’s really cool to hear what people have to say about different topics we ask them about and hear their opinions,” shares sophomore Arionna Jones.
Photo Courtesy of Alek Wheaton Journalism creates memorable moments and an entertaining environment for its students. “Taking and editing photos is one of my favorite parts of this class because I get to look over all the pictures of people and the memories that have been made,” says junior Kaiya Wrigley.
An Hour In… Journalism
February 27, 2025