The Senior class cheering for their classmates. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo
The Senior class cheering for their classmates. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo

HOCO 2017

October 25, 2017

  • The champion Sophomore Powder Puff team. Photo courtesy of David Small.

  • The Sophomore class cheering their classmates on. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo

  • The Flucos competing in Pep Rally activities. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo

  • The Senior class cheering for their classmates. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo

  • Flucos competing in Pep Rally activities. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo.

  • The Junior class cheering on their classmates. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo

  • Mr. Pace and Mrs. Esch sitting on their thrones as Emperor and Empress. Photo courtesy of Jake Lindo.

  • The Juniors won best class float at the Homecoming parade, Photo courtesy of

  • FFA won best club float at the Homecoming parade. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Pellicane.

  • The FCHS cheerleaders aid the Fluco football team in making their grand entrance. Photo courtesy of

  • The Flucos enter the field with hopes of winning their Homecoming game against Albermarle. Photo courtesy of

  • Coach Pace encourages his team and guides them through the next play. Photo couresty of

  • Seniors Libbey Hartung and Drew Wright win Homecoming Queen and King. Photo courtesy of

  • SGA decorating for the Homecoming dance. Photo courtesy of David Small

  • SGA setting up decorations for the Homecoming dance. Photo courtesy of David Small

  • SGA setting up the cafeteria for the Homecoming dance. Photo courtesy of David Small

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Oct. 16-20 was a busy week for the Flucos as they prepared for their Homecoming game against Albermarle on Oct. 20. The Student Government Association (SGA) created a Homecoming-themed spirit week, with days such as “Home Away From Home” and “Home Run.” Although the sophomore class won a window-decorating competition, the senior class won the overall Spirit Week competition with 792 points.  

The Homecoming parade on Oct. 20 featured some outstanding floats as judged by the Fluvanna Education Foundation. The junior class won Best Class float, Future Farmers of America (FFA) won Best Club float, and the Interact Club won Best Illuminated float.

After the parade, FCHS took on Albermarle in RJ Searcy Stadium. Albermarle proved to be a tough opponent, defeating the Flucos 6-35. Fans were excited to see fireworks shot off after the national anthem and throughout the game. The Homecoming court was announced at halftime with Seniors Libbey Hartung and Drew Wright as Homecoming Queen and King.

Capping off the Homecoming weekend was the dance, which took place on Oct. 21 in the cafeteria. With a theme of Hawaiian Luau, the dance had one of the biggest turnouts in recent years and featured FCHS junior Matthew Snead as the DJ.

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About the Contributor
Photo of Syerra Milliman
Syerra Milliman, Fluco Beat Editor

Syerra is a senior and this is her third year in Journalism. She is the editor of The Fluco Beat and a member of the BETA Club. She likes to read and...

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