Molly is in 12th grade, this is her 3rd year in Journalism. She manages the varsity football team and she loves to cook. After college she wants to be...
Class of 2022’s graduation. Photo Courtesy of Fluvanna Sports Photography
April 21, 2023
With graduation right around the corner, there are a number of important dates that seniors at FCHS need to know about. So if you’re graduating, make sure you review the list below.
Tuesday, April 25 – Interim grades come out. This will determine the honor graduates.
Monday, May 1, Decision Day Part 1 – Seniors can go down to the senior lounge and tie-dye a shirt with their future school colors, plus announce to their fellow classmates where they are attending next year.
Friday, May 5, Decision Day Part 2 – Seniors go down to the football field where there will be games, and an opportunity to hang out with friends from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm.
Friday, May 12, Senior trip to Baltimore – The itinerary for those going will come out on May 1. All final payments need to be paid as soon as possible, to either teachers Mitchell Pace or Jason Davis.
Friday, May 12, “Our Prom” – This dance from 2:30 pm-3:30 pm in the Auxiliary Gym will be held to celebrate FCHS special needs students.
Week of May 15-18 – SOL’s and Finals Week
May 19, and Week of May 22-24 – Make-up tests
Wednesday, May 17, Senior Award and Scholarship Night – Any senior receiving an award should attend this event in the FCHS auditorium from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. If you’re receiving an award, your parents will be notified with a letter in the mail, as well as an email.
Sunday, May 21, Senior Parade around Lake Monticello – This will be held at 2:00 pm and is open to the public. Contact Jen Sample at, (434)989-9246, or [email protected] for details.
Tuesday, May 23, Senior Walk – From 9:00 am to 10:30 am, seniors will go around the other schools to say goodbye and thank you to past teachers, one last time. Gowns are mandatory, but caps and tassels are optional for this. You must ride the bus; you may not drive yourself. Seniors received an email from Senior Sponsor Mitchell Pace on Tuesday, April 18, with the link in there to sign up.
Wednesday, May 24 – Last day of (half day).
Thursday, May 24, Mandatory graduation practice – Seniors should be on the football field at 9:00 am. “Be on time and be ready to follow instructions so we can end on time (approx. 11 am). Bring your cap, gown, and tassel. You do not need to dress up for practice,” said Pace. Afterward, seniors can attend the senior picnic at Pleasant Grove where lunch will be provided. Bring chairs, games, even bathing suits are welcome. If you paid and went on the Baltimore trip, this is free, if you did not pay and go on the Baltimore trip, the cost is $5.
Friday, May 26, Graduation Day – This begins at 6:00 pm sharp at the football field. Graduates must be at the school by 4:30 pm. Note that as long as the ceremony remains outside (weather permitting) there is no limit on how many family or friends graduates can bring to the event.
Following are specific details seniors need to know related to the Graduation event itself.
Dress Code: Dress nicely; no heels with sharp or narrow heels, as they will puncture the turf.
Caps: You may NOT decorate your caps. “If you decorate your cap, you will not be allowed to wear it during the ceremony,” said Pace.
Parking: Pace noted that anyone riding in the same car as a graduate, and anyone displaying a handicap placard or license plate, may park in the student parking lot behind FCHS. All other vehicles will be directed to Pleasant Grove. From Pleasant Grove, spectators can walk or ride the school bus shuttles to the stadium. There will be a couple golf carts assisting those who need it from the parking lot to the stadium. Parking is free.
Weather: If the weather does not cooperate, and graduation has to be moved inside, the number of people per graduate goes down, and these tickets will be given to graduates at practice. Graduates will know if the event is being switched to an indoor event by Thursday, May 25, at 2:00 pm.
Unpaid Fees: Contact Angie Brown in the front office if you think you may owe fees for lost or unreturned textbooks, Chromebooks, or other items which must be paid before seniors can walk at Graduation. Email her at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Chromebook/Charger/Textbook Return: Be checking your emails for notifications about computers, textbooks, and other things you’ll need to turn in before being allowed to return.
Google Apps Accounts: Seniors will lose access to their school Google apps emails and drives in the summer, so make plans to transfer anything that you want to keep from your school account to another account before you graduate.
Molly is in 12th grade, this is her 3rd year in Journalism. She manages the varsity football team and she loves to cook. After college she wants to be...