The Student News Site of Fluvanna County High School

Sage Gibson

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Should Tik Tok be Banned in the U.S.?

March 14, 2023

Recent upbringings in the news have swarmed the nation, with the conflicting decision of Tik Tok becoming banned in the United States. This crucial decision affects many citizens of the U.S. by how they connect to their peers, lessening screen time and inspiration. Tik Tok has proven to be harmful to youth in many ways and has subconscious benefits. Tik Tok has caused life-threatening challenges, addiction, and negative comparison. Just another social media platform that has become more addicting over time.

Teens have spent about three to four hours on average watching Tik Tok videos; adults spend one to two hours. Screen time rises of mind-numbing videos supply negative effects on mental and physical health. High screen time use can lead to eye strain, neck and shoulder pain, and bad sleep patterns. Tik Tok is not the only app everyone uses but it is on a high average amongst most teens. These teens will develop bad habits from watching for hours on end. Procrastination, irritability, and other unwanted behaviors are horrible habits.

Tik Tok surprisingly has benefits as well: it helps students identify project ideas, welcoming community, and helps decrease stress in situations to focus on something. The global pandemic of COVID-19 and the lockdown Tik Tok helped many citizens cope with not being able to go out and hang out with their peers. Being able to share experiences and showing other people that other people are going through the same thing, they are not alone. It can be relaxing to lay on the couch and watch Tik Tok for a while and unwind. A way of escaping reality and responsibilities by slipping into funny, influential videos.

The banning of Tik Tok is a hard decision to make. People have different opinions and have interesting points about how it can be beneficial or harmful. Taking into consideration that the app can feed information to the Chinese government and be harmful to our nation in the long run. Many government officials and political figures have been banned from using the app because of their careers. Any single conversation or picture can become incriminating. Giving away information or weapon details would inform them of our plans and could result in chaos.

People who mainly use Tik Tok are teenagers, their opinion matters the most. The ban generally affects them, and they should have a say. “No, it should not be banned because it is a good outlet for teenagers to show their creativity,” said FCHS student Jocelyn Beaulieu. Tik Tok is a great place to promote inspiration and is how many people have created many projects and ideas. “I think that we should keep Tik Tok in the U.S. because it is a good platform to unwind and relieve stress,” said FCHS student Taylor Webber. Focusing on something else has been known to distract oneself from negative thoughts or things around. Provide a calming unstressful outlet to relieve any stress that comes.

Not all adults may use Tik Tok, but they do see their children or kids in the world using it and have reasons if it is better for the younger generation or not. “It shouldn’t be banned, I think it gives a lot of information everyone needs to know,” said FCHS teacher Makeisha Chambers. When you picture an adult view of social media as generally negative, in a new generation people are open-minded and realize the benefits.

Only time will tell if Tik Tok becomes banned or not, it has been up in the air for a while. When the day comes upon if it does get decided to be banned our society will not know what to do. It would be a drastic change for everyone and is unimaginable to picture.

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Photo of Sage Gibson
Sage Gibson, Journalist

Sage is a senior. This is her third year in Journalism. She likes to go shopping and works at Dunkin Donuts. She hopes to work in a studio and do makeup...

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