Journee is in 12th grade and this is her second year in Journalism. She babysits and runs for track. A fun fact about her is she loves to make music.
Photo Courtesy of Flickr
May 19, 2023
Are you ready for summer? No school, hardly any responsibilities, and plenty of daylight. But what if you have no plans to embrace the summer experience? You’re excited for summer, yet you have no idea what to do during your days off– and you’d rather do anything than stay indoors all day for almost three months.
Depending on where you settle for the summer, the way you spend your summer may vary. Many students in Fluvanna feel as if the county is boring. Raeden Pitt, a sophomore at FCHS said, “Fluvanna is boring as ever, but if you do the right things it can be fun.”
Since Fluvanna is a rural area, it doesn’t seem too lively during the summer, yet people have learned to find activities to satisfy themselves. “I’m going to museums, amusement parks, and to the beach to swim,” said Pitt.
With research from various sources, here are a few things to do in Virginia during summer break:
Visit amusement parks
Parks such as Busch Gardens, located in Williamsburg and Kings Dominion, located in Doswell, are always open for business during the summer. Amusement parks are a great place to go to spend a day or two filled with thrill. Currently, tickets for Busch Gardens start at $57.99 for ages three and higher, while tickets for Kings Dominion start at $39.99.
Go to movie theaters
Although theaters do not always have movies people are excited for, they’re a great place to pass time, eat snacks, or even take naps. Your friends and family should always be up for a movie date, or you could go for self care. The average movie ticket costs at least $11.75.
Take a stroll through the mall
Malls in Short Pump, Charlottesville, Chesterfield, and Midlothian are open for business, especially in the summer. Whether money is tight or it isn’t a problem, sightseeing/shopping in the mall with loved ones or alone is a fine way to pass time.
Visit the zoo
A zoo that is most talked about is the Metro Zoo in Richmond. While visiting the zoo in the summer may be a hassle, the fun might outweigh the heat as you interact with animals.
While not everyone cannot afford to travel outside of Fluvanna for the summer, many people suggest going to Lake Monticello for fun. One student that lives outside of the lake, Sahann Williams, stated, ”There are tennis courts, basketball courts, and you could go to the beach, it’s fun.”
Here are a couple places to visit for free during the summer:
Carters Mountain in Charlottesville, Virginia
A simple trip where you can pick fruit and take it home for consumption. They offer several options for visitors, you can shop at their store (as well as order online), explore the orchard, or sit and spend time enjoying the goods with your family.
A Walking Trail
The internet has plenty of suggestions for trails depending on what you are looking for. Be sure to view reviews and stay hydrated. There are several walking trials in Fluvanna County including Pleasant Grove and the Scheier Natural Area Trails.
Visit Virginia Beach
While gas costs money, swimming in the water does not. Enjoy the ocean front view and feeling the sand between your toes as you relax in the sunshine. With several shops and restaurants nearby, Virginia Beach has activities available for the entire family.
Journee is in 12th grade and this is her second year in Journalism. She babysits and runs for track. A fun fact about her is she loves to make music.