The Student News Site of Fluvanna County High School

FCHS Announces 2019 Teacher of the Year

May 8, 2019

Testing Coordinator Angie Blevins. Photo by Darnell Johnson

This year’s Teacher of the Year gave up classroom teaching a few years ago to oversee something that most students fear: testing. For the past 23 years, Angie Blevins has been working in the Fluvanna County school system, spending 18 of those years as a math teacher. But she gave it all up to take on the demanding job of FCHS Testing Coordinator in 2014.

Before working in Fluvanna, Blevins taught middle school math and Algebra I in Madison County from 1990-1996. Her interest in math began early, as she worked as a math tutor even before she graduated from high school.  

Now, as Testing Coordinator, Blevins helps teachers prepare for tests, as well as oversees the very complicated testing schedule each year and helps administer tests to students. Some of those tests including the learner’s permit test, the PSAT, SAT, AP Tests, and the Career and Technical Education (CTE) tests. “The best part of my job is seeing students work hard and reach their goals. For some students, testing is not easy. I have to work with those students and get them to believe in themselves and pass the tests that they need,” said Blevins, who added that her job is very detail-oriented and that she has to be very organized to keep track of it all.  

Upon learning that she had been selected Teacher of the Year, Blevins said “There are so many good teachers in our school that could have been nominated for this honor. I am proud that I was chosen, but I am also proud to work with the teachers and students of our school.” 

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Photo of Maddy Eubank
Maddy Eubank, Fluco Beat Editor

Maddy is a senior in her second year of Journalism. She likes to write and hang out with her friends.

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