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Dance On For Hands On

February 8, 2019

On Feb. 22, the Student Government Association (SGA) will be holding a casual, white-out and glow-themed dance from 8-10 pm in the Auxiliary Gym to help fund Hands on Fluvanna, the school’s annual day of volunteering in Fluvanna County.

Tickets will go on sale the week of Feb. 11 in the cafeteria during lunches for $5. All proceeds will go towards purchasing the supplies needed to carry out Hands On Fluvanna, taking place on March 29. Only 250 tickets will be made available and the dance will be open to 9th-12th graders only.  

The music will be provided by SGA. Due to the dance being held in the Auxiliary Gym, there will be no refreshments. The dance will be extremely casual, meaning no dresses or having to dress up. “We just want people to come in what they are comfortable in,” said SGA member Jules Shepherd, who added, “You could come in white pajamas and it’d be fine.”

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Photo of Maddy Eubank
Maddy Eubank, Fluco Beat Editor

Maddy is a senior in her second year of Journalism. She likes to write and hang out with her friends.

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