Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism
Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

“Santa Baby” Competition

December 6, 2018

A little competition is being held in the FCHS Media Center. Pictures depicting younger versions of teachers and staff are on display in the window of the 3rd floor Media Center, and students are encouraged to identify which staff members they represent.

This is not the first time the FCHS librarians have done a competition like this, having held a similar contest years ago, but with staff members’ high school graduation pictures. This time, the focus of the competition is getting the school in the holiday spirit by showing photos of teachers and staff as children sitting with Santa or ripping open presents.

If you want to give the competition a shot, it’s quite simple. Go to the 3rd floor Media Center and get an entry paper from the librarians. Each photo has a number, so as you view them, just write the number of the picture and your guess. Turn it in to the librarians when you’re finished, then cross your fingers.

Make sure to have your guesses in by Wednesday, Dec. 19 as the winner will be decided and announced on In the Know on Dec. 20. The winner will receive a gift card and any book of your choice.

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

  • Photos courtesy of Fluco Journalism

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