Blake is a Senior and this is his second year in Journalism. He is the editor of The Fluco Beat. He likes to play video games and likes memes.
October 16, 2018
Homecoming week is always an eventful experience for students and staff at FCHS. Spirit Week, the Pep Rally, and the Homecoming game and dance are some of the most anticipated festivities of the fall season.
However, a strange confluence of holidays and Mother Nature conspired to make this Homecoming week once of ups and downs.
While Monday, Oct. 8 was Columbus Day and gave students a welcomed four-day weekend, it meant that Spirit Week, known for themed dress-up days and a rowdy pep rally, was shorter than usual.
Tuesday, Oct. 9, was “Tie-Dye Tuesday,” as well as what turned out to be the only normal school day of the week, with no interruptions to the regular schedule. “Way Back Wednesday” was a school-wide testing day, with underclassmen taking the PSAT and seniors taking the SAT. This took up the first two blocks of the day, leaving students little motivation for or time to enjoy dressing up in costumes ranging from 50’s leather jackets to 80’s workout gear.
When “Patriotic Thursday” dawned, however, Hurricane Michael began making its way to Fluvanna. Far-spreading tornado and flash flood watches and warnings caused the county to end the school day early for the safety of students and staff.
Thanks to flooding from several inches of rain, the district closed on Friday, effectively putting an end to “Fluco Friday,” a much-anticipated pep rally, and the annual parade (for which a dozen or more clubs had been preparing for weeks). The Homecoming game was pushed back to noon on Saturday the 12th, the same day as the Homecoming dance. A scheduling conflict meant that the school band would not be able to play at the half-time show.
Despite the disappointment of canceled events, however, the Flucos were able to take pride in their decisive victory against Powhatan, beating them 16-7. This continues the Fluco’s winning streak, bringing the team to a 6-1 record, their best in years.
Mid-way through the game, the Homecoming court was announced, with seniors Taileek Ashton and Kyra Shelley winning the King and Queen spots respectively on the Homecoming Court.
Topping off the week with beautiful weather, the Homecoming dance. The event was managed by teacher David Small and his Student Government Association (SGA) students, who spent weeks planning a fall-themed dance, complete with Fluvanna graduate Von Hill as the DJ. While some might think the dance has a single purpose– to provide a fun night for students– Small said it had other benefits.
“”Some of the money we raised, [about] $700, goes to Adopt A Family,” said Small. “The rest goes to pay for class expenses for SGA, and for our pre-Spring Break event, Hands On Fluvanna.”
So even though Hurricane Michael did its best to put a rain on the parade (literally), fun still prevailed. Hundreds of happy and unforgettable memories were made this Homecoming, just as many more are to come in the next.
Blake is a Senior and this is his second year in Journalism. He is the editor of The Fluco Beat. He likes to play video games and likes memes.