Dots created by students from Ms. Coleman, Mr. Morris, and ms. Herrings’ classes. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Pellicane.
Dots created by students from Ms. Coleman, Mr. Morris, and ms. Herrings’ classes. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Pellicane.

Make Your Mark One Dot at a Time

September 28, 2018

If you thought you were seeing spots in front of your eyes the middle of September at school, you were right.

Too bad the spots disappeared quickly.

Students from the art classes of Michelle Coleman, Mike Morris, and Amanda Herring created art dots in support of International Dot Day on Sept. 15. The colorful dots were taped to the wall outside the 3rd block Media Center, creating a very colorful look. However, thanks to all the rainy weather the last few weeks, the dots kept falling off the wall at such a rate that Coleman reluctantly had students take them down after only a few days.

International Dot Day is an annual event inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ book “The Dot,” which challenges people to “make your mark and see where it takes you.” The book features a young artist struggling with creative confidence. Through the guidance of her teacher, the artist learns that she does have a creative ability. It emphasizes the need to express yourself, and that everyone has the ability to create.

This is the first year that FCHS has participated in Dot Day and Coleman hopes to extend this event in the future. “Our plan is to make art more visible through the school. We have some mural designs planned, and a few other projects,” she said.

Events like these are not exclusive to art students; all are encouraged to participate. So don’t be afraid to leave your mark. You might just be someone’s source of creative inspiration.

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Photo of Syerra Milliman
Syerra Milliman, Fluco Beat Editor

Syerra is a senior and this is her third year in Journalism. She is the editor of The Fluco Beat and a member of the BETA Club. She likes to read and...

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