From Band Director to Assistant Principal

August 28, 2018

The retirement of former FCHS Principal James Barlow last year led to the hiring of many new staff members, including new Principal Margo Bruce and new Assistant Principal Frank Sampson III.

Sampson was a band director and administrative assistant at J.R. Tucker High School in Henrico prior to joining the administrative staff at FCHS. He credits his transition to administration to having had a good experience in high school. “I had great teachers that made a difference in my life and I want to try to be involved and make an impact on FCHS.”

His favorite thing about FCHS is the great facility and “how kind and welcoming everyone is.” After growing up in the small town of Shenandoah, Sampson said he finds it nice to be back in a small, rural town.

Sampson attended James Madison University and received a Bachelor of Arts. He later received his Masters from Central Michigan University. He is now married with three children: Emma, Evan, Ben.

In his free time, Sampson enjoys flying. While he does not have a pilot’s license, he has a few pilot friends who enjoy taking him on a ride every now and then. Having been a band director, he can play a few instruments, including the trumpet, his favorite. Sampson’s favorite TV shows are Law and Order and Westwing.

With August coming to a close and students and staff finally settling into the new school year, Sampson said what he is most looking forward to this year at FCHS is “learning the school and getting to know everyone and celebrating success as well as finding solutions to problems.”

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Photo of Syerra Milliman
Syerra Milliman, Fluco Beat Editor

Syerra is a senior and this is her third year in Journalism. She is the editor of The Fluco Beat and a member of the BETA Club. She likes to read and...

Photo of Blake Berry
Blake Berry, Fluco Beat Editor

Blake is a Senior and this is his second year in Journalism. He is the editor of The Fluco Beat. He likes to play video games and likes memes.

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