A Living Miracle


Photo Courtesy to Emily Sigmann

One freshman at Fluvanna County High School has a testimony of which few students can boast: she says she was healed of epilepsy, a neurological disorder that consists of irregular brain cell activity and often results in seizures. Kaitlyn Makridis says she was healed from epilepsy when she was ten years old, and she has been seizure-free ever since.

Makridis was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was only 5-6 weeks old. Her seizures could last up to two hours. Taking medication six times a day became part of her routine; however, although the medication she took gave some control over her seizures, they would still occur on a monthly basis. Makridis said that as she grew up, what she feared most was that she would one day have a seizure while driving, as well as the fact that epilepsy has no known cause.

Then according to Makridis, God stepped in. In 2011, she attended a healing and prayer service hosted by her aunt’s church. Her aunt put her hands on her, prayed, and she said she felt that her niece had been healed. This instinct appears to be accurate, because since that very moment, Makridis has been seizure-free.

Makridis said her faith grew when she realized that what happened to her was not humanly possible. She had always feared that she was going to die from having epilepsy, but now she feels better than ever and her friends and family consider her a walking testimony of the healing power of God.

Now, Makridis says she no longer worries about the future, because she knows that her unknown future is in the hands of an all-knowing God. The Lord healed her, she says, and she wants people to know that He can also heal them. She said she hopes that her story can help encourage others to seek the Lord.